PCSSRP Status Report (link)

N3 Residents

Property owners within the boundaries of Area N3 will receive an invitation to attend a public meeting/open house scheduled for February 24, 2016. In the “open house” forum, property owners will be able to speak with county staff, one-on-one, about any site specific concerns relative to their individual properties. Opportunities to discuss funding options, septic tank decommissioning and other pertinent topics, with county staff, are available.

The project is anticipated to advertise for construction bids in the Spring of 2016. Construction is slated to begin in the Fall of 2016, reaching Final Completion approximately nine months later, or Summer of 2017. This is a fairly conservative schedule; construction completion could be achieved as much as six months sooner than the Summer of 2017.

D3 Residents

Some residents in D3 have been attending the N3 public meetings to keep abreast of the potential change in technology in providing central sewer service to the various neighborhoods. Any resident is welcome to attend county-sponsored events, however, residents within D3 will be invited to attend a separate public meeting, specifically addressing the needs of D3. Staff anticipates a public meeting for D3 to be held in the Summer/Fall of 2016. Property owners will receive an invitation for this meeting in the Summer of 2016.

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